
The Panorama City NC Youth Committee, founded in 2017, provides an opportunity for our neighborhood's middle- and high-school aged students to have an impact on their community's future. This committee is co-chaired by two PCNC Board Members over the age of 18 and two co-chairs under the age of 18. Students in elementary school are welcome to volunteer at committee events and attend monthly meetings. 

The Youth Committee is very unique, and tasked with looking at all of the NC's issues and concerns from its perspective. The PCNC feels that the prosperity of our community is heavily impacted by our younger generation, and students from all schools in the area are invited to attend. 

We hope that the intense motivation and passion our committee exudes carries into every NC in the City. 

For more information contact :Jonathan Martinez at : 

Meetings (Agendas, Minutes, Documents)

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